22nd June stuff
In brief: THIS WEEK'S COVER-UPS MPS EXPENSES CENSORED Parliamentary authorities will black out juicy details from the publication of individual M.P.s expense claims, leaving only cash amounts. A futile attempt at censorship as The Daily Telegraph (and therefore everyone else) holds a 'clean' copy. IRAQ WAR INQUIRY WHITEWASH The government will attempt to hold the Butler inquiry behind closed doors to stop people finding out that the government lied over WMD as a pretext over invading Iraq or that Tony Blair knew that Britons could be tortured at Guantanamo Bay, causing an angry backlash that forces the Prime Minister to offer the concessation of holding some of the sessions in public. NEW POWDER PUFF BANKING REGULATIONS Will allow the financial services industry to carry on doing whatever the hell they want to do - investing in high risk ventures and awarding themselves huge bonuses - thereby causing further economic crises for generations to come. FOX NEWS FLASH: Presiden